The significance of human rights, keeping the debate and the fight about it alive is indisputable. Every year on international human rights day, one topic is set focus on, this year it is ‘dignity, freedom and justice for all’.
December the 10th marks the day on which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was signed in 1948, in the aftermath of the war. This milestone document comprises the inalienable, universal human rights, every human being is entitled to by virtue of them being a human. About 300 treaties and declarations pertaining to human rights have been ratified by the UN since 1948. At least 90 nations' constitutions contain allusions to the Universal Declaration. Although the Declaration is not legally enforceable, it served as the model for more than 60 other documents that collectively make up the global standard for human rights.
This year’s campaign of human rights focuses on legacy, relevance and activism. The promises made by the UDHR, however—of equality in rights and dignity—has consistently come under attack in recent years, and not without reason - such as pandemics, conflicts, rising disparities, a morally bankrupt global financial system, racism, and climate change, to name only a few examples. This year’s campaign does therefore focus on the promotion of universality of human rights and the pertinent relevance for activism. This day shall offer an opportunity to celebrate and be aware of the equality of rights that we have, and the progress that has been made, but simultaneously to shed light on the urgence to look at the human rights issues happening around the world, and the progress that still has to be made. The campaign launched on this year’s international human rights day will last for one year, ending with a big celebratory upcoming event, namely the 75th anniversary of the UDHR and therefore the international human rights day on 10 December 2023.

Amnesty International uses this day as an occasion to finalize its ‘write for rights’ campaign, encouraging people to write letters and petitions to governments, demanding the end of unjust treatment of people and ensure the respect and alliance with human rights, as well as writing letters to those who are fighting for their or human rights in general and thereby have to suffer. This year, Amnesty International set its focus on thirteen individuals, who are currently being treated unjust with the human rights being disrespected, to write letters to: https://join.amnesty.org/page/114929/petition/1?locale=en-US to take action upon these cases, follow this link!