In Turkey, the legally protected rights of judges and prosecutors are being unlawfully violated. After the coup attempt on 15 July 2016, the State of Emergency was declared in Turkey. About 5,000 judges and prosecutors were dismissed, detained and arrested in violation of their constitutional rights. judges and prosecutors continue to be unjustly detained in Turkey for alleged membership or support of armed terrorist organizations without any evidence. In this process, members of the judiciary are subjected to torture and ill-treatment. Solitary confinement, which can be applied for a maximum of 20 days according to the legal regulations, and which is found to cause serious physical and psychological disorders when it lasts longer, has been applied for years. Apart from this, crimes of torture and ill-treatment are committed such as physical violence, assault, insult, prevention of the right to treatment, restriction of prison visit days, restriction of books and deprivation of basic needs.
The detainees and convicts lost their health and some of them lost their lives. Supreme Court Judge Mustafa Erdoğan, Public Prosecutor Seyfettin Yiğit, HSYK member Judge Teoman Gökçe and Judge Süleyman Savut lost their lives due to ill-treatment in prisons. State Council Investigative Judge Mehmet Tosun and exiled Judge Abuzer Kara, who were ill-treated in custody and dismissed from the profession, lost their health due to the pressures they experienced and lost their lives. On 02.12.2021, prosecutor İbrahim Gündüz and his wife, who wanted to take refuge in Greece to escape from the violations of rights in Turkey, drowned in the Aegean Sea and lost their lives.
Hüsamettin Uğur, a member of the Court of Cassation, who tries to make the torture and ill-treatment known to the public through his daughter, has been subjected to systematic torture in prison for years. It was revealed that Hüsamettin Uğur was beaten for an hour by 5 guards in a room without a camera in Keskin prison, where he was held in a solitary cell. For Uğur, who said that he was tortured, the prison doctor prepared a report stating that there were no signs of assault. The signs of beating were ignored by the doctor in charge of the prison infirmary and an attempt was made to cover up the torture. Member of the Judiciary Husamettin Ugur has been in solitary confinement for years, contrary to human rights. The prosecutor’s office opened an investigation weeks after the scandal emerged, but decided not to prosecute. Prison administration pressure on Uğur, who was transferred to another prison, continues here as well. Uğur said that this time the convicts of murder were tried to be provoked against him.